Time to ring in the New Year

Just like that another year has passed and we embark on a new year.  Can you believe that we are in 2023?   Wow, where did the time go!  As time seems to fly by faster and faster, remember to cherish these precious moments while your little ones are small as they will be grown up before you know it.  Take lots of pictures and get lots of snuggle and cuddles while you can.

January blues?

If you find January a tough month, know that you are not alone.   Many people suffer from the January blues during this cold month.  There is even a day in January titled “blue Monday” and it typically falls on the third Monday of the month.  If you are feeling distressed and need help, please get in touch with the supportive mental health team at Jeffery Hale Community Services or call the 24 hour/7 days a week Info-social line.  Dial 811, and choose option 2.  Please also check these several mental health resources and services listed on our website.

Get out and about in the new year

Sometimes getting out and about and connecting with others is an excellent way to boost our mood.  We have many exciting things lined up for you in the New Year from our early childhood activities like Baby Chat, Café au lait and Take-a-Break parent and tot get togethers to our WE Dads programming.  If you have a child in primary school or one that will be starting soon, we have a great line up of things to come in the winter and spring of 2023 in our virtual school readiness series.   Do check out our full line-up of activities on our events calendar.

As always if I can be of any assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out.  I am just an email away.

Lastly, I would like to take this moment to send you my best wishes for health and happiness to you and your families in 2023.

Warmest regards,



Jessica Price, Family Matters Program Coordinator

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