Summer Lovin’

Don’t you love summertime? Most people seem more laid back, relaxed and happy in general. Simply opening the windows adds freshness and somehow makes our living space seem less cramped. Add to that the wonderful effects of feeling the breeze and hearing the birds sing. These are days when we can really enjoy the simple things, like walking with our bare feet in the grass, outdoor swimming and kicking a ball around outside. Let’s not forget the power of a summer ice cream cone and the joy it can bring to a little one. 😊

What are your summertime favourites? 

One of my favourite things about summer is watching my plants grow and change, especially my vegetable garden. I find myself sneaking out every morning, sometimes many times a day, to check how much things have grown. I love the daily progress this time of year brings and the power of nature. I appreciate how my kids can go more freely in and out without needing multiple layers.

Among my children’s absolute favourite things are wearing shorts, having picnics and eating popsicles. These basic pleasures bring them such joy. We also delight in picnics and park visits this time of year. Going to the park is easy and we have many beautiful places in Québec City. We live in the perfect place to enjoy so much of what summer has to offer. Be sure to check out my latest Family Matters e-newsletter for suggestions of picnic spots, parks, splash pads and other outdoor activities around town. And don’t miss our Park Meet-ups every Saturday (except in case of rain) on the Plains of Abraham.

Stay safe outdoors this summer

Beware of the power of the sun, especially with young children because they are very sensitive to the heat. Try to avoid being out in direct sunlight during the hottest time of the day. Be mindful of protecting your family from the sun with hats, sunscreen or UV protective clothing.

Unfortunately, ticks are of growing concern across Canada. Stay informed about how to identify these bugs, how to check yourself and your children’s bodies when coming back from an outdoor adventure and know the steps to take if you suspect a bite. Check out the page Ticks-Little bug, big problems! from Health Canada Experiences, where you will find educational resources and useful information for talking to your family about ticks.

Jessica Price, Family Matters Program Coordinator

I will be taking a few weeks off here and there over the summer but I wish you a relaxing time with your loved ones.

Wishing you a wonderful July,



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