Family Matters

Family Matters

Summer Lovin’

Don’t you love summertime? Most people seem more laid back, relaxed and happy in general. Simply opening the windows adds freshness and somehow makes our living space seem less cramped. Add to that the wonderful effects of feeling the breeze and hearing the birds sing. These are days when we ...
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Family Matters

Kick off the summer with us!

June is here and wow, doesn’t it feel great! Longer, brighter days, warmer weather, flowers blooming, picnics, playgrounds. Soon, the outdoor pools will open! I always feel like there is a buzz in the air this time of year when everyone is excited for the start of summer and getting ...
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Family Matters

Being a mother

Mother’s Day holds a particularly special place in my heart because nine years ago, my oldest son was born on that day. While his birthday doesn’t coincide with Mother’s Day this year, we often find ourselves celebrating both occasions together. In our family, celebrating one naturally means celebrating the other. ...
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Family Matters

Spring has sprung

It finally feels like spring is in the air with all the sunshine we have had this week. Don’t you just love the feeling of warm sunshine on your face after winter? It also is a little more motivating to get outside with our little ones when it is nice ...
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Family Matters

No parent is perfect

Do you ever feel overwhelmed as a parent? I know I certainly do. I often have to remind myself that it is okay to say that being a parent is hard work sometimes. Raising a child takes responsibility, commitment and engagement. Add to that the choices we need to make ...
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Father kissing baby boy sitting on toboggan
Family Matters

Love is in the air

February is by far my favourite of all the winter months. I absolutely love it! February often brings blue skies, longer and brighter days, and fluffy snow, not to mention slightly warmer temperatures than January. How lucky are we to live here in the wintertime. With its overflowing agenda of ...
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Family Matters

January chills and how to manage the cold with little ones

January is one of the coldest months in the Belle province of Québec. I don’t know about you, but I often find it tricky to dress my little ones this time of year. I remember finding it even tougher when they were babies, so I often asked for tips from ...
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Family Matters

Celebrate the season!

The season of holiday celebrations is soon upon us. Whether or not you and your family choose to celebrate any one of them in particular, the winter solstice is an occasion that we all have in common. This year, the official start of winter falls on December 21, also the ...
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Family Matters

Winter is knocking at our door a little early

I don’t know about you but a snowy Halloween was quite a surprise for me! I was running around trying to find snow pants and mittens on Monday morning. I’m guessing that I was not the only parent doing that. 😉 It seems like after a balmy September and October, ...
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Family Matters

Get together with us at Parents & Petits!

I am incredibly thankful for the gorgeous start to fall this year, with its warm days and nice and crisp mornings and evenings. What a magical season! We can watch nature change her coat as we too get ready for another cozy winter. Speaking of fall, it was wonderful to ...
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