RISE Program for special needs adults


Five days a week, from Monday to Friday.


At the gatehouse near Saint Brigid’s Home on chemin Saint-Louis in Québec City.

Age group

For adults, but those as young as 16 may also be eligible to join the program.

The warm and welcoming Gatehouse.

At the RISE Program for special needs adults, we believe that no one should be defined by their limitations.

gatehouseWe strive to enhance the potential of each person through creative and specialized activities that help develop life and social skills. Regularly-scheduled activities include cooking, group meals, arts and crafts, stretching, exercises, walks and other outings.

The program is open to English speakers who live in the Greater Quebec City area (both north and south shore) and who are willing and able to take part in a group.

Online payment

Please also visit the RISE Program’s online payment page to pay for meals for the year in progress.

Contact the RISE Program

To reach the RISE Program team, please call 418-704-1600.

Other services

Please visit the SNACS Entrepreneurs website to learn about their work platforms.  Also visit the website of Jeffery Hale – Saint Brigid’s, our main public partner, to learn more about their professional health and social services related to Special Needs.

Learn more about all of our other programs and services under the SNACS Speical Needs umbrella.

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