No parent is perfect

Do you ever feel overwhelmed as a parent? I know I certainly do. I often have to remind myself that it is okay to say that being a parent is hard work sometimes. Raising a child takes responsibility, commitment and engagement. Add to that the choices we need to make as parents, from choosing a stroller, which sleep methods to use, or choosing the right educational path for your children… All of these daily choices can leave us feeling anxious or insecure.

In an era dominated by social media, we are bombarded by images of idyllic family moments and perfectly staged family photos. This creates the illusion that perfection in parenting is not only attainable but expected. Parents can quickly find themselves navigating rocky terrain, where comparison is constant and self-doubt is an unwelcome companion.

Be kind to yourself and remember, you don’t have to do it all

Often we try to do everything as parents and this can lead to fatigue and even burnout. It is okay to not do everything, be everywhere or enroll your child in everything. It is also okay to not get the perfect family photo. I know it is easier said than done, but please believe in yourself. Show yourself some kindness, compassion and trust. And try to pause to enjoy all of those little moments with your children because before you know it, they won’t be so little anymore.

Each family is unique. As their parent, you are the person that knows your child best. If you feel insecure, don’t be shy to talk about it with other parents. You will likely find that many of them feel the same way. Having conversations about the challenges of parenthood and an honest sharing of experiences in a non-judgmental space can empower parents to be authentic and embrace their imperfections. On that note, join us online for our No Parent is Perfect virtual workshop happening on the evening of Wednesday, March 20th. Whether you’re a future parent, a first-time parent, or have been on this journey for a while, this 1.5 hour workshop is for you. We hope it will help to reassure you!

Our Parent and Petits get-togethers are also a great chance to connect and share with other English-speaking parents. As always, don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you need other resources or if I can be of assistance.

Jessica Price, Family Matters Program Coordinator

Wishing you a wonderful March,



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