It finally feels like spring is in the air with all the sunshine we have had this week. Don’t you just love the feeling of warm sunshine on your face after winter? It also is a little more motivating to get outside with our little ones when it is nice out. 😊
With the warm spring air, the snow that is left will start melting quickly. This is the time to find your children’s rain pants and boots as things will be wet and muddy for the next month. Despite being a little wet and muddy, this is a great time of year to rediscover playgrounds and start pulling out bicycles.
On that note, there are a couple of spring outdoor safety tips I need to share. Watch out for gravel on the streets, and be aware of snow fort and tunnel safety. Wet snow is more likely to collapse or cave in. Still on a safety note, don’t miss our First Aid workshop for Parents on April 13. Reserve your spot quickly for this because space is limited.
It will be a while yet before the ground is ready for planting but that does not mean that you can’t start thinking about a garden, whether in the ground or on the patio in pots. Planting seedlings can be a great activity to do with your little ones, and it’s fun for us too. Another wonderful treasure flowing from the trees this time of year is maple syrup! Check out the Cabane a sucre at the Bois de Coulonge the last weekend of March and the first weekend of April.
Join us in the warm indoors
Looking for some indoor activities or ways to get out and meet others? Here are a few highlights of what we have in store for you!
- First aid workshop for parents, April 13 @ 9:30 a.m.
- WE Dads: Fathers meet up, on Saturday, April 20 @ 9:30 a.m.
- Parents and Petits get-together: Dental care and your children, April 12 @ 9:30 a.m.
As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you need other resources or if I can be of assistance.
Wishing you a wonderful April,