Well 50+

Caregivers' CircleWell 50+

Safety and respect never gets old!

Can you believe we are already halfway through 2023? Time flies! Aside from sun and warmth, June brings a very special day along with it. Those of you who know me personally likely already know how committed I am to the respect, safety, and dignity of the elderly. That is ...
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Caregivers' CircleWell 50+

More than words

Hello May and welcome, warmer days!  With Mother’s Day around the corner, and in honour of Speech and Hearing Month in May, I would like to start a conversation about the place of communication in our lives and how we can make it easier, especially with those we love. Every ...
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Caregivers' CircleWell 50+

Beat the clock

When was the last time you hit pause and took a bit of time to look around you? Time goes by so fast and we don’t often have the occasion to enjoy what is happening right in front of us.  If we’ve learned anything in recent years, it’s that life ...
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Caregivers' CircleWell 50+

Food for thought

Hi everyone! I hope that you are enjoying the longer days, and that more sunlight is doing you well.  I know I’m feeling an energy boost. March being Nutrition Month, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the importance of nutrition not only for ourselves, but in our ...
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Caregivers' CircleWell 50+

Do your heart good

Love is in the air! Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and that can only mean one thing: It’s time to let your heart speak for itself.  In case you didn’t know, February is Heart Health Awareness Month. To mark the occasion, I invite you to show your heart ...
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Caregivers' CircleWell 50+

Overcoming the blank page

Starting the new year can often feel like starting a new page in our lives.  A blank page can be overwhelming of course. We may have plenty of ideas and projects, maybe even some apprehensions, but nothing on paper. For me, a blank canvas is as inspiring as it can ...
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Caregivers' CircleWell 50+

Navigating the holidays together

As the end of autumn washed away the daylight, just in time, the snow arrived to brighten our days and lift our mood. Like the natural flow of the seasons, I like to think that we humans are resilient and can renew ourselves despite the challenges we face. With the ...
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Community WellnessWell 50+

Preparing and Planning

Welcome November! I hope you were able to enjoy the beautiful palette of colours and sunshine that October gifted us. This month, I would like to focus on planning and prepardeness. There are things in life that we are not able to control and, often times, we only realize this ...
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Well 50+

Welcome back to a more regularly scheduled fall

Hello everyone and welcome back after a much-needed summer break!  I hope you were able to rest, rejuvenate and recharge like I did.  I feel like the summer flew by, but I am actually looking forward to the cooler days of fall and a return to the world of “regularly ...
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Well 50+

Summer self-care

Welcome Summer! We’ve been patiently waiting for you. Oddly enough, the summer months seem to slow down yet go by so quickly at the same time.  July is a time to get outdoors and enjoy the sunshine. We’ve been laying low for quite some time now and this is our ...
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