You complete us

In April, we celebrated YOU during our virtual Volunteer Appreciation Week.  Our theme this year was “You Complete Us”, and that you do!  Many of our programs would simply not survive without your help.  WE hope to be able to get back to our regular programming, or at least some of it, one day soon.  Despite not being able to physically connect with one another for over a year now, please remember that you are still in our thoughts and our hearts.  If you were able to take part in our virtual activities during Volunteer Appreciation week, we hope you had fun.  I know that our team sure enjoyed seeing you on our screens.  If you haven’t yet seen our You Complete Us video, please have a look!

Ready to get out in the community again?

If you are starting to feel comfortable to get out in the community again, please consider volunteering as a transportation volunteer.   We have a growing demand in transportation requests for at-risk persons needing to get to essential medical appointments.  If you are in good health, have a valid driver’s license and access to a vehicle, please consider this important volunteer job. You can read more about it on our Temporary COVID-19 Response Efforts page.  If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to send me an email at

Rest assured that we are working towards finding ways to see you in person again soon.  This summer, we will stay patiently attuned to government updates, adjust accordingly, and do our best to keep you informed of our progress.

Have a wonderful spring everyone!

Interim Volunteer Coordinator

Best regards,

(filling in for Amy who is on maternity leave)


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