March into wellness!

Blissful grandma baking cookies being kissed by thankful children

Hello everyone! As we bid farewell to winter’s frosty hold, it’s time to welcome the vibrant energy of spring into our lives. There is much to embrace and celebrate in March. Not only does it mark the onset of spring and see the jovial celebrations of St. Patrick’s Day. March is also Nutrition Month, so it’s a great time to look at our food choices and tune up healthy eating habits to help us live longer and healthier.

Do you have spring fever yet?

As February draws to a close, with its short winter days and roller-coaster weather, you may be feeling the urge to get outside and enjoy the sunshine. Nature’s annual call for renewal and vitality is often referred to as “spring fever”, which can start to ramp up when our clocks spring forward. If you’re feeling a little feverish or simply looking for opportunities to connect with people, St. Patrick’s Day gatherings could be just the ticket. Join us on March 23 at the Défilé de la Saint-Patrick Parade. Keep an eye out for me as I march through the streets of downtown Québec City alongside my colleagues from the Wellness Centre, Voice of English-speaking Québec and Jeffery Hale – Saint Brigid’s. I’ll be the one wearing green. 😉

Celebrating Nutrition Month

Spring’s abundance of fresh produce offers an array of colourful fruits and vegetables. Such a perfect way to complement Nutrition Month in March. To celebrate and highlight the occasion, we will welcome Inès Auclair-Mangliar, a registered dietician, in person at the Wellness Centre. Aware of the changing needs of the aging body, Inès has kindly agreed to give us some pointers on how to adapt our diet to the aging process, while giving us concrete tools to do so.

If you’re interested in assuring that you or your loved one are getting adequate nutrients and keeping up your body’s energy levels, don’t hesitate to attend our “Eat Well to Age Well” session at the Wellness Centre on the afternoon of Wednesday, March 13. The session will also be available online.

Let’s chat about caregiving over a coffee

Before signing off, I’m pleased to announce that I’m currently working on a Caregivers’ Coffee Chat for the end of spring. This day-time, in-person gathering will be an occasion for anyone who’s caring for a loved one to unwind with other caregivers. Stay tuned for more information, and let me know if this is something you would like to attend.

Anaïs Fortin-Maltais, Well 50+ & Caregivers Program Coordinator

Wishing you all a happy and vibrant spring,


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