Get together with us at Parents & Petits!

I am incredibly thankful for the gorgeous start to fall this year, with its warm days and nice and crisp mornings and evenings. What a magical season! We can watch nature change her coat as we too get ready for another cozy winter. Speaking of fall, it was wonderful to see so many families out and about at VEQ’s Fall Fest last weekend. I loved seeing all the kids running around with their faces painted, running in and out of bouncy castles or playing soccer on the field. Overall, a fantastic event!

Autumn is a great time to get out with your little ones and enjoy the gorgeous foliage. From simply raking leaves into piles, then jumping in and rolling around, or collecting leaves to making beautiful arts and crafts projects. So much fun! Let’s not forget apple and pumpkin picking which are always wonderful family activities.

Join us at our first Parents & Petits Get-together

With the start of fall also comes the start of many of our programs. Yeah! This year is special because we are launching our new Parents & Petits Get-together for English-speaking parents with babies and preschool-age children. This exciting new activity combines our former Take-a-Break, Baby Chat and Café au Lait.

We set the space up to give English-speaking parents and babies a chance to connect and also to give their preschool-aged kids a chance to play and interact. Expecting parents are always welcome. Once a month, we offer breastfeeding support on-site and also a monthly guest speaker. Be sure to join us for the launch on October 13th! Also, save the date for our guest speaker from the Centre Mosaïque de Québec who will talk about Bilingualism and early childhood on October 27. Please visit our Parents & Petits Get-together web page for more details.

What else is happening this fall?

Is your child of pre-school age and you have questions regarding their language or speech development?  Save the date for our November 22 virtual information session on Language and speaking: Is my child on track?

A special note for guys raising children in Quebec City. Are you looking to connect with nature in October? Join Jarryd Smith, our WE Dads Community Animator, for a Hike with Dads and Kids at Mont Wright on October 21. This is a gorgeous hike and a great workout! Learn more about this program on our WE Dads webpage and join the WE Dads Facebook group.

Jessica Price, Family Matters Program Coordinator

In closing, be sure to take a look at our events calendar for our entire fall schedule. We sure hope to see you out and about at some of our activities. For those of you who have children starting school for the first time, I hope all goes well for you during this important milestone.

Wishing you all the best in your fall transitions,


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