Embracing parenting challenges together

This is a beautiful time of year, filled with the vibrant colours of autumn, but it can also be a particularly stressful period for parents. As we transition from the relaxed summer vibe into a different rhythm at home and work, many families find themselves adjusting to new routines. Your children are perhaps back in school or daycare and you too may also be juggling new activities and commitments. Even just one month into our family’s fall routine, I already feel tired.

This time of year can also be hard for children. They often struggle to manage their emotions as they adapt to the changes around them. Fatigue and feelings of being overwhelmed can come out in difficult behaviours and attitudes. Many families I’ve spoken to are facing some kind of challenge these days, whether it’s adjusting to new schedules, tight family budgets, home-work balance, or coping with the pressures of the beginning of the school year.  

If you too are feeling overwhelmed, you’re not alone. I hope you will remember to be kind to yourself every day. Keep in mind that it is often the tough moments that truly test us as parents and provide valuable lessons about ourselves and our relationships. It is okay to keep things simple and embrace the reality of family life, which is often far from perfect. Comparing ourselves to others is an easy trap to fall into, especially when we see photos of other families on social media that look perfect. Family life is not always rainbows and sunshine. 

In fact, the US Surgeon General recently issued a warning that parental stress is a serious health issue. You can listen to this CBC video clip about it here. He says that parents are under constant pressure from various sources, like financial strain, time demands, cultural expectations and societal norms. I agree. It is not easy to be a parent in today’s fast-paced world, and recognizing this reality is the first step toward finding understanding and support in our parenting journeys

We are here to support you

Speaking of support, building a network is especially vital for many local families who might not have an extended family close by. The goal of our Family Matters programs is exactly that, to foster a supportive community by providing occasions for you to get out and connect with other English-speaking parents and children. 

We hope you’ll join in our programming, which will feature multiple new additions this fall.   We will have something exciting just for the moms, thanks to the leadership of a wonderful, local, volunteer mom!  She will be hosting an in-person parent-run mother’s support group called Moms for Moms.  Check out our website for more details! 

Also, my colleague Jarryd and I will be taking training this fall to become certified Triple P Positive Parenting Program conference animators. We are hoping to be able to offer these conferences to parents this coming winter. Again, stay tuned!

Jessica Price, Family Matters Program Coordinator

For now, give yourself a hug and please tell yourself that you are doing a great job as a parent.  You might not be doing everything the same way as your friend, neighbour or colleague, but that is okay. Do things how you need to do things to function well for you. Sending hugs your way and I hope to cross paths with you this fall.

Warm regards, 



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