WE Volunteer



Volunteering is an opportunity to get so much more than you give. Our volunteers breathe life into our programs offered at the community Wellness Centre and into Wellness Activities at Saint Brigid’s Home.

As a WE Volunteer, you will meet new people, share your experience, learn from others, and help enrich the quality of life of both community members and residents alike.  Volunteering mainly takes place during weekdays between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.  Sign up for our WE Volunteer e-newsletter.

Let’s put your compassion to action!  We urgently need WE Drivers transportation volunteers.

Meet new people

Share your experience

Learn new skills

Help the community

Enrich the lives of others

Meet new people

Share your experience

Learn new skills

Help the community

Enrich the lives of others

Get more info or Apply here, depending on your interests:

Help support seniors and their caregivers, special needs persons, and families with young children through the Community Wellness Centre
Bring community life to senior residents through Wellness Activities at Saint Brigid’s Home
Practice your English skills and help at events in the community from time to time



Already a volunteer?

Log in into your volunteer account here

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