SNACS – Registration and payment

Register and pay online for SNACS activities


Please fill in the SNACS Program registration form. Don’t forget to save it to your computer once you’ve finished!  Then, you can either:

  • Email it as an attachment to Kate Nadeau, program coordinator;
  • Print it up and give it in person to Kate at an activity.

Important notes about online payment

  • There may be subsidies available to help cover the costs of SNACS Activities, such as the Québec government respite program, “Répit aux proches aidants.” In that case, you may also be able to get a receipt for income tax purposes. For more details, please talk to Kate, or to your child’s social worker.
  • The “Add to Cart” buttons below will open a new window in PayPal. If you do not have a PayPal account, you do not need to open one. Simply click the grey “Check Out” button and then enter your credit card information.
  • On your bank or credit card statement, the merchant name will appear as: JEFF WEJHCA or JEFF COMM PARTNERS.
  • You can also pay by cheque made out to Jeffery Hale Community Partners. Please mail your cheque or deliver it between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, to the community Wellness Centre in the Jeffery Hale pavilion: Jeffery Hale Community Partners, 2000-1270 chemin Sainte-Foy, Québec  QC  G1S 2M4
  • Sorry, no refunds. All extra funds help finance the program.  Thank you!


Bowling only ($80 per year):

Bowling with supper & transport ($100/year):

Ausome Social Club: $100 per year

PASS (Program for Academic and Social Success): $100 per year

Saturday Activity (bring your own lunch)

9:00 a.m. to noon ($80 per year)

9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. with snack included ($100 per year)

Supper with the Gang: $100 per year

After-school Full-time Program (up to 5 days/week): Two payments of $200 each (or about $4.41/day).

1st payment due in November: Check back here in September 2023 for the payment buttons.

2nd payment due in March: Check back here in September 2023 for the payment buttons.

After-school Part-time Program (up to 2 days/week): Two payments of $150 each (or about $2.35/day).

1st payment due in November: Check back here in September 2023 for the payment buttons.

2nd payment due in March: Check back here in September 2023 for the payment buttons.

After-school Program, other occasional use, such as ped days: $25 each 

Custom payment:  You fill in the amount

For a custom payment, click the add to cart button above and when the new window opens, enter the amount in the “Total” box, and then update.



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