Our common goal at the Wellness Centre, in collaboration with Jeffery Hale Community Services, is that you stay independent and active in your home for as long as possible. Do you live alone? Does your family live outside of the region? Would you enjoy spending some time with someone else, in English?
Friendly visits
If you are already a client of Jeffery Hale English Language Community Services or live at McGreevy Manor and would enjoy a friendly visit, our volunteers can help. Please call your intervenor (social worker, nurse, occupational therapist, etc.) as soon as possible so that they can make the request on your behalf.
Important notes
Our Friendly Visits service is only available by referral from your social worker or another intervenor on the team of professionals at Jeffery Hale Community Services.
This service also depends entirely on volunteers. We will do our best to find a volunteer to visit you, but it is simply impossible for us to guarantee that anyone will be available.