Volunteer opportunities

There is a wonderful synergy between all facets of the SNACS and our volunteers. Through regular outreach to youth and adult volunteers, the SNACS Program has helped to raise overall awareness in the community about special needs. There has also been, however, a particular increase in awareness about preventing bullying and mistreatment.

Daily contact at school between SNACS’ youth volunteers and its clientele, both primarily from Quebec High School, has led to a truly supportive circle of friends. These young volunteers have become real advocates for our vulnerable clientele, with many even going on to pursue careers in related fields.

If you are a student, being a buddy to a special needs child gives them a chance to interact socially with others while providing respite to their parents. Volunteer work and internships (“stage” en français) in the SNACS program may lead to a paid job, such as a babysitter or as a summer camp counsellor.

Please visit our WE Volunteer page for more information about becoming a Wellness volunteer, or go straight to our online registration form. If you have questions, please call the SNACS Program Coordinator at 418 572-5009.

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