Join us for the coming sessions focusing on getting ready for school and beyond. Upcoming events are listed on the side or bottom of this page.
Sessions may be cancelled if there are not enough participants registered. For more information or to register, please contact Jessica Price, Program Coordinator, at or 418 684-JEFF (5333), ext. 12009.
Previous sessions:
- Language and speaking: Is my child on track? , November 22
- Screen time and our kids, January 24
- Understanding your child’s challenging behaviour, February 28
- No Parent is Perfect, March 20
- Parenting in Challenging Times
- Stress, anxiety and your child
- Preparing your child for school in a 2nd language
- Keys to a positive elementary school experience
- Understanding the Quebec school system
- Cyber safe workshop for parents of young children/ teens
- School registration and English schools in Quebec
- Enhancing motor skills for elementary school success
- Get Ready for Kindergarten
- Transition to high school workshop
- Is my child on track?
- ADHD in children. What parents need to know.
For more information
See a series of helpful school readiness documents prepared the School Services team of Jeffery Hale Community Services.