Community Wellness

Check out these activities and services of general interest at the Wellness Centre.


Community Leadership Bursary

Financial support for students pursuing their education in the health and social services sector and who meet certain criteria.

Community links

There is a thriving English-speaking community in the Greater Québec City region. Learn more!

Health Passport App

Your personal health information, plus translations for French medical vocabulary at your fingertips.

Health system links

Explore these links to Québec’s unique health system.

Income Tax

Volunteers will help people file their tax returns to receive the government benefits to which they are entitled.

Information about Health and Social Services in English

We work closely with our public partner, Jeffery Hale – Saint Brigid’s, to inform you about services available in English at public health establishments in the Quebec City region, as well as how to access these services.

Material Aid

A handy pamphlet for people in need of a helping hand. It lists clothing and food banks, soup kitchens and lodging, and other resources in the Québec City area, including public social and financial help.

Pathfinder Network

Join the Pathfinder Network and be a part of helping others in our community find their way. Get training in how to identify the signs of declining health and well-being and use this knowledge to guide others to the right services and resources when they need help.

Vaccination against respiratory infections

Get vaccinated against the flu, COVID-19 and pneumonia.


Be sure to visit the website of Jeffery Hale – Saint Brigid’s, co-manager of the Wellness Centre, to learn more about their professional health and social services for all ages.

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