With the changing colours of the leaves comes the brisk autumn air and the promise of a busy season. We all realize that we will be scuffling along in our snow boots soon enough! Yet, there is a certain energy in the change of season. Have you felt it too? We at the Wellness Centre sure have, as we embark on another year of this constantly evolving pandemic. Our programs, activities and services continue to be partially open.
We are juggling quite a balancing act: Constantly adapting to crucial public health measures as they evolve to be able to ensure the safety of our community members. At the same time, doing our best to look out for the wellbeing of everyone in the community we serve, while giving priority to its most vulnerable members. And we could not do any of this without your volunteer support.
Busy hands make safe work
While it’s true that, lately, your hands might not have been able to reach out to hold a senior’s hand to comfort them or a child’s hand to steady them on their feet. Nor have your hands been busy putting together packages at Chit Chat Club or setting up tables for the next big gathering. They HAVE, however, been held under running tap water and lathered up with soap, or doused in sanitizing liquid countless times; constantly performing all of this hygiene in the noble battle to keep germs at bay and to safeguard yourself and those around you.
Your hands have also thought very carefully about what they touch. They have performed the clicks of the mouse or taps of the screen that required to find and book that vaccination appointment, and then download the VaxiCode App or print up vaccination proof papers. What’s more, they have been busy setting up Zoom meetings with the loved ones we are all working so hard to protect.
Many of you have also given time to our ongoing COVID-19 response efforts such as transporting seniors to medical or vaccination appointments, helping with grocery shopping and friendly calls (and now home visits), to seniors. Your hands once more donned stylish rubber gloves, grabbed the wheel, and sanitized again and again. Your efforts all contribute to lighten the load for our seniors and the health system.
Equally important are those of you who have volunteered as organizers, hosts, or guest speakers. You’ve been helping to uplift, inform and re-connect parents of young children who have also felt the weight of the pandemic through the charge of remote work and childcare without their usual village. The difference you make is cannot be measured.
Leaving you in good hands
In my role of volunteer coordinator, I have been privileged to witness the actions of your helping hands in support of our Community of Care. Over the past seven years, I have felt grateful every day to be able to coordinate this huge collective of generosity. As you well know, nothing stays the same forever. Like the seasons, everything changes. I wanted to take this opportunity to let you know that as of mid-October, I will be leaving my position at the Wellness Centre to take on another challenge. I have accepted a position with the CHSSN (the Community Health and Social Services Network) in an exciting new project to support the mental health of English-speaking youth in our community and across the province.
This opens the door to anyone among you who may feel a calling to raise your hand to take on more of a leadership role in our community. If you’re interested in the volunteer coordinator position with Jeffery Hale Community Partners, please read more here and consider submitting your application to acloutier@jhpartners.net before October 4th.
I will sure miss working hand in hand with you. If you’d like to reach me, you are welcome to send me an email before October 12th at abilodeau@jhpartners.net. I would be happy to hear from you.
In the next edition of our WE Volunteer e-letter (subscribe), the Wellness Centre looks forward to being able to introduce you to their wonderful new volunteer coordinator, so stay tuned!
Take good care,