Caregiver’s Cafe: The January Blahs…Or is it Depression?

January 15, 2020 @ 10:00 am
Wellness Centre in the Jeffery Hale Pavilion
1270 ch Ste-Foy Rooms 1123/25 Quebec
Qc G1S 2M4
Jan Anderson, Community Organizer

It’s normal to feel that after-holiday let down when all the festivities of the season end, the credit card bills roll in, and the coldest weather, snow, and ice make us housebound. The feelings of melancholy accompanying this period are commonly known as the January Blahs. When should we take notice that the January Blahs are more serious or have turned into depression? Depression is a mood disorder accompanied by feelings of sadness, anger, and loss that can affect a person’s every-day activities. Sadness doesn’t always mean depression. Join us for this timely videoconference with  presenter, Yvonne Clark, Clinical Social Worker and Grief Counselor, to learn more about the difference between feeling down or blue and full-blown depression.

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