Hello everyone! Is it just me, or did the last few weeks fly by in a whirlwind? As November gets underway, I hope you had time to admire the beautiful colours fall brought us. This month, I have two completely separate but very important subjects to talk about: National Caregivers’ Week from November 3 to 9 and Fall Prevention Month.
Celebrating Informal Caregivers
In Canada, about eight million people are informal caregivers. This means they provide unpaid help to family or friends who need support because of health issues, age or disabilities. These caregivers do a lot, from helping with daily tasks to giving emotional support. To help caregivers and honour National Caregivers’ Week, the Wellness Centre is offering a new tool called the Carebook. This tool will enable you to track your loved one’s health and write down any important changes or concerns. You can also share it with healthcare professionals so they have the best information possible about your loved one. If you’d like your free copy of the Carebook, please contact me at the Wellness Centre by email at afortinmaltais@jhpartners.net or call me at 581-446-7476.
I also encourage you to check out l’Appui’s free online training courses. They cover useful topics like stress management, how to handle a dementia diagnosis and what to expect when a loved one moves to long-term care. You can do the training at your own pace and they’re available in both English and French.
If you know one or more caregivers, feel free to come and pick up some copies of our free Happy Caregivers’ Week postcard. You can send a postcard their way to highlight their dedication and hard work during this special week.
Fall Prevention Month
Did you know that in Canada, one in three adults over the age of 65 will experience a fall each year? Falls can lead to serious health issues and are responsible for nearly 1,000 deaths annually. Alarmingly, people aged 65 and older account for 92% of these fatalities (INSPQ, 2022). To help prevent falls, the Wellness Centre is doing a few things this November:
- We will be giving out free pedometers (step counters) at our Well 50+ events in November to encourage daily physical activity. Get your free pedometer at these regular activities: Brain Power Drop-in, Jog Your Mind, Wellness Café and Stand Up sessions.
- We’re also offering a “Safe Winter Walking Tips”, which you can download in PDF format or pick up a printed copy at the Centre. This guide is full of helpful tips for staying safe on icy sidewalks and snowy paths this winter. If you are hesitant to walk outside, you may want to look to your local community centre for indoor walking clubs, like the Club de Marche Laurier.
- We will continue to organize our Wellness Walks activity as we do all year long. Taking place at different locations, these walks are led by volunteers and are a great way to reduce stress, lift your mood and improve your physical health. You can join as a participant or volunteer—either way, it’s a great way to stay active and meet new people of all ages from the community.

Before signing off, I’m sending special thoughts to everyone struggling with their mood at this grey period of the year. Even though Christmas lights will provide us with some brightness soon enough, the shorter days and the pre-holiday stress can take a serious toll on your mental health. If you or someone you know could use some support, feel free to call Tel-Aide Montréal for free, confidential and anonymous listening service in English at 514-935-1101.
Looking forward to seeing you around this month,