Photography and Creative Writing for Youth

Photography and Creative Writing
juillet 30, 2024 @ 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Wellness Centre at Jeffery Hale
1270 Ch Ste-Foy
Québec, QC G1S 2M4
Verity Jordan
418-684-5333, ext. 11932

If you’re aged between 14-16 years old, join us at the Wellness Centre at Jeffery Hale for five weeks this summer for fun workshops focusing on photography and creative writing in collaboration with LOVE (Québec).

Develop new photography skills during the photography workshops!  LOVE will bring semi-professional cameras and teach participants how to use them through various kinds of photography (portraiture, close up, black and white, etc.).

The creative writing and group discussion workshops will highlight various social topics such as diversity and inclusion, social standards and media safety (to name a few!) with the intention of reflecting on how these social aspects affect the participants, and their peers, on a daily basis.

The sessions will explore challenges and difficulties through creative media while building self-esteem and resilience.  There will also be time for sharing personal stories and developing active listening skills during these workshops.

Registration required.  Participants are requested to attend all five sessions.

Register here.


For more information about these Photography and Creative Writing for Youth workshops, please contact Verity, Youth Program Coordinator, by email or phone at 418-684-5333, ext. 11932.

LOVE (Québec) is a non-profit organization that supports youth to thrive through programs and healthy relationships that build emotional intelligence and help overcome the challenges they face.  Participants emerge from LOVE’s programs with greater resilience, heightened skills, and the confidence to be inspirational leaders.

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